
Petitioning is one of the traditional ways by which members of the community can have their say on issues affecting them.

A petition is a formal, written request, signed by a minimum of 10 persons.

Petitions must represent personal interests or may only represent the interests of another person with their express permission.

Certain personal information must be provided with a petition, such as the full name of petitioners, addresses, signatures and email addresses.

All information, including personal information, will be publicly disclosed after a petition is accepted by Council with petitions presented to the Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Council may contact individuals identified in a petition about the petition matter.

Rules for Petitions

A petition should:

  • be written in English,
  • be brief and to the point,
  • be polite and modest in their language,
  • not contain any language which is offensive or likely to be offensive to any member of the public,
  • not breach the privacy of others,
  • not request a grant of public money or a remission of any duties or debts,
  • not promote anything that may constitute spam, such as commercial interests, solicitations, advertisements or endorsements, and
  • not contain external website links.

Council reserves the right to review any submitted petitions to ensure compliance.

How to lodge a petition

When a petition is lodged

A petition to Townsville City Council will be presented by the Mayor or relevant Councillor at the Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Upon receipt of the petition, the principal petitioner will be sent an acknowledgement letter within five business days.

In accordance with Council's standing orders, the Mayor or relevant Councillor may receive the petition and refer it to the Chief Executive Officer for investigation. A report will be developed and presented to Council for final decision.

When a decision is made

The Principal Petitioner will be informed in writing of Council's decision following the relevant Ordinary Meeting.

e-Petition Terms of Use

This e-Petition website is operated by Townsville City Council.

The personal details provided on the Townsville City Council ePetition website by both the principal petitioner and persons signing a petition, forms part of the public record. The service is not anonymous and the accuracy of personal details will be checked if necessary.

For further information, please contact Council Customer Service on 13 48 10.