Open Space Bookings
Parkland events
On average over 1,200 bookings are made in our lovely parks each year. These can range from small events such as wedding and naming ceremonies, charity walks, fundraisers and private functions, through to larger parades, memorial services, and a whole range of other events including community sports, arts, culture, dance, song, and music.
Events are approved under the Use of Open Space Policy.
Wedding and other ceremonies
Wedding, naming, vow renewal and other ceremonies can be held in many of our beautiful open spaces including but not limited to;
- The Strand Select locations
- Jezzine Barracks
- Townsville foreshores
- Anzac Memorial Park
- Queens Gardens: Raintree Lawn, Maze Lawn, Frangipani Lawn, Rainforest Lawn.
- Palmetum: Tokuyama Garden Summerhouse, Rainforest gardens and other locations within.
- Anderson Gardens: Cape York Peninsula collection, Wedding Island and many other locations within.
- Riverside Gardens: Select locations surrounding the community centre.
- Panorama Events Lawn (Castle Hill)
- Council open Spaces
Many other locations may be available on request.
For further enquiries about ceremonies, please contact us on 13 48 10 or email
Bookings and Enquiries
Here's some useful information about booking your event with us.
NO booking is confirmed until you have signed and returned the Event Agreement and paid the required hire fee and/or security deposits.
Key Deposits - will be required where a key is to be issued.
Damage Deposits – may be required for specific events.
Cancellations – You may cancel the booking by giving us at least 5 business days notice. Failure to do this may result in forfeiture of monies paid.
Conditions of Use:
- Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed in parklands
- Confetti, rice and flower petals are not permitted in parklands
- You can use portable, self-supporting marquees and shelters as long as they're anchored above ground.
- Please leave the area in a clean and tidy condition after use.
- No vehicles are to enter parklands unless approved
- We don't allow the use of glass bottles or containers in our parklands
- No fires are to be lit within the parklands (this includes tiki torches and tea light candles etc.).
For further enquiries about events in our open spaces, please contact us at 13 48 10 or email