Mosquito response program to stamp out dengue fever

Date published: 6 October 2015

Council health officers will this week begin its Proactive Urban Mosquito Response Program throughout Douglas and Annandale to reduce the chances of a dengue fever outbreak in the lead up to, and during, the upcoming wet season.

The inspection program will assess about 1000 properties with only a portion of these requiring council staff to enter and inspect potential dengue mosquito breeding sites.

They will also provide information and tips to residents during their inspection visit.

Healthy and Safe City Committee chair Cr Gary Eddiehausen said it was vital that council worked together with residents to be proactive against dengue fever.

"We are asking residents to clean up their properties and ensure all water-holding items, including palm fronds, are emptied and removed," Cr Eddiehausen said.

"The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry dengue fever thrive in even the smallest of containers, so it’s important that residents are serious about eradicating the risks.

"This program is crucial in protecting the community during the upcoming dengue transmission season."

Cr Eddiehausen said if council health officers were unable to access a property, a notice would be left asking residents to contact staff to arrange a suitable time.

Residents of the selected properties have been notified by mail.

The program will run until December 18.