Free sand and sandbags to help residents prepare for the big wet

Date published: 28 February 2018

Council has established five sites where residents can pick up free sand and sandbags to prepare themselves for the big wet expected this afternoon and tonight.

The sites are below:

  • Ross Dam car park, Upper Ross, behind the Parks compound
  • Allambie Lane PCYC
  • Lou Litster Park, behind Officeworks
  • Transport and Main Roads Depot, at the corner of the Bruce Highway and Mount Low Parkway
  • Dalrymple Road Depot, 113 Dalrymple Road

Council has been advised Townsville will experience significant rainfall this afternoon and this evening. Residents in the Upper Ross, the Bohle and Deeragun areas can expect localised flooding.

Residents should regularly check Council’s Emergency Management Dashboard for the most up-to-date information on the weather event.

The Dashboard includes information on rainfall, flood warnings, road closures and electricity outages.

Visit the Dashboard at: