Project secures southside’s sewerage network for years to come

Date published: 7 December 2020

Contractors have worked around 250,000 hours to complete a major pipeline project that is reducing pressure on Townsville’s sewerage network.

The $30 million Southern Suburbs Rising Main project catered for anticipated population growth for the next 30 years and supports Townsville University Hospital, Lavarack Barracks and James Cook University.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the project made an important contribution to the city’s long-term infrastructure.

“Contractors on this project have worked about a quarter of a million hours to improve our extensive sewer network,” Cr Hill said.

“Crews have laid more than 13 kilometres of pipeline for the Southern Suburbs Rising Main, starting at the Yolanda Drive pump station in Annandale and extending to the Cleveland Bay Purification Plant.

“Council crews and contractors have done an amazing job – Newlands, BMD and the RMS/GNM joint venture have really delivered a great outcome.

“The project supported 48 jobs and had significant flow-on effects, supporting a further 180 jobs through suppliers and subcontractors.”

The Queensland Government provided $5 million in funding for the Southern Suburbs Rising Main through its Building our Regions program.

Member for Mundingburra Les Walker said it was important to see vital infrastructure upgraded.

“This project will support Townsville’s growth into the future,” he said.

“It was an important investment by the Palaszczuk Government in the city’s future but also it helped created important jobs which is what we are laser focused on.”

Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairperson Russ Cook said ongoing benefits would flow from the project.

“Apprentices play an important role in major projects and Southern Suburbs Rising Main has been a great training ground,” Cr Cook said.

“Sixteen thousand (16,000) training hours were logged on the project, so it has been a terrific investment in jobs growth and long-term infrastructure for the hospital, Lavarack Barracks and the university.”