Restriction reminder for building noise across Townsville

Date published: 3 June 2022

Residents are being reminded to take note of the noise restrictions for building work across Townsville.

The noise restrictions are in place under the Queensland Government’s Environmental Protection Act 1994 to ensure residents can enjoy peace and quiet during set times.

Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Maurie Soars said it was important for builders to observe the noise restrictions.

“Building work is only allowed from 6:30am to 6:30pm Monday to Saturday, with no work allowed on Sundays or on public holidays,” Cr Soars said.

“These rules are in place so everybody has the same opportunity to enjoy peace and quiet at home. If you’re settling down for dinner with your family or looking forward to a sleep in after a long week, the last thing you want is to be woken up by the noise of construction work.

“These rules come under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 for everyone’s benefit, and they are enforceable.”

Cr Soars said Townsville City Council officers would investigate and take enforcement action if people were found to be in breach of the legislation.

“While it’s awfully tempting to get a little extra work done on Sunday or public holidays, it’s imperative that you stick to the noise restrictions. Council officers can and do take enforcement action when individuals or businesses do building work outside of the noise restriction times,” he said.

“It’s best for everyone if we all work together and remain mindful of the noise restrictions to limit the need for noise complaints and enforcement actions.”

For more information about noise restrictions in Townsville, check out the Noise Restrictions and Complaints factsheet online.