Am I Eligible for a Parking Permit?
A Regulated Parking Permit Scheme will be implemented during certain events in Townsville to ensure residents are still able to park on their streets during events and to help minimise the impact event patrons have on surrounding suburbs.
Queensland Country Bank Stadium
Stadium Regulated Parking
Stadium Parking will be regulated:
- in a newly created “Stadium Event Parking Area” (see Area Map)
- for one hour before, until one hour after, the advertised start time of an event at the stadium (if the event is an NRL game, then the parking regulations will apply from one hour before the start time of the main game)
- by limiting how long a vehicle can be parked on-street to deter stadium patrons from parking in your street – generally the period will be 15 minutes, but in some places a different time limit will apply
- with fines issued to owners of vehicles that are parked for longer than the permitted time without a registered permit.
This new restriction will apply to on-street parking only, including driveways from the kerb to your property boundary. It will not apply to vehicles parked within your property.
All other parking restrictions – such as no standing zones, taxi zones, bus zones, and parking zones for people with disabilities – will continue to apply.
Stadium Residential Parking Permits
How will the permits work?
The system Council is using will link Residential Parking Permits to registration plates electronically. This means that the permit is not displayed on the vehicle. Vehicles recorded as having a Residential Parking Permit may be parked on-street in the Stadium Event Parking Area without having to comply with the event parking time limit.
To ensure there is enough on-street parking during an event at the stadium, Council is initially limiting the number of Residential Parking Permits issued to one permit for each house or unit in the Stadium Event Parking Area. This limit is being trialled because the number of residents in the area greatly exceeds the number of on-street parking spaces. Council will consider applications for Stadium Event Special Parking Permits on a case by case basis – for example if you have a carer that does not live at your address, you need assistance from a Health or Community Organisation or for any number of other special circumstances.
- Eligibility
To be eligible for a Stadium Event Residential Parking Permit:
* the applicant must be the registered owner of the vehicle for which the permit is required, (In limited circumstances Council will issue a Stadium Event Residential Parking Permit even though the applicant is not the registered owner of the vehicle. This will be assessed on a case by case basis) the applicant must be living at an address within the Stadium Event Parking Area full-time for longer than one month
* there must be no other Stadium Event Residential Parking Permit issued for that address. (The Council will consider issuing another Stadium Event Residential Parking Permit for a premise that has no off-street parking. This will be assessed on a case by case basis).
- How to apply
You can apply via our online portal, which offers fast approval and activation of Residential Parking Permits.
Email or by post: Visit Council’s Customer Service Centre or any Townsville Citylibraries branch to pick up a paper application form. Email this form, along with supporting documentation to, or drop it back off and we will process it for you.
Telephone: Call Council’s dedicated parking permit contact centre on 1300 322 878 from 9am-7pm, Monday to Friday. You will be required to post or email your supporting documents.
Customer Service Centre: Visit the Customer Service Centre at 103 Walker Street, Townsville for assistance with your permit application or renewal.
Townsville Citylibraries: Visit any Citylibraries branch for assistance with your Residential Parking Permit application or renewal. Citylibraries branch locations can be found on Council’s website.
- How to apply for a Stadium Event Special Parking Permit
If you live in the Stadium Event Parking Area and need a parking permit for a vehicle that is not registered to you – for example you have a carer who visits you and will park for longer than 15 minutes, or you receive necessary assistance from a health or community organisation – you can apply for a Stadium Event Special Parking Permit.
Special Parking Permits will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. When applying for a Residential Parking Permit, include an explanation about why you need a Special Parking Permit. Council will contact you if further information is required.
- What Supporting Documents are Required?
To apply for a Residential Parking Permit and help ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit copies of the correct supporting documentation with your application.
To confirm your vehicle registration
To confirm vehicle details for a Stadium Event Residential Parking Permit please provide a copy of your current vehicle registration renewal notice or transfer document showing the vehicle is registered in your name.
If the vehicle is not registered in your name:
for a company vehicle please provide:
* a letter on company letterhead to state that it is a company vehicle. Include the vehicle registration details, stating that you use the vehicle and that it is parked at your address.For another person’s vehicle please provide:
* a statutory declaration from that person explaining the relationship that results in you using their vehicle, including a copy of their registration renewal notice or transfer document showing that the vehicle is registered in their name.Residency
To confirm that you live full-time in the Stadium Event Parking Area:
if you are the owner of the house or unit please provide a copy of:
* current rates notice showing your name,
* or contract of sale (new owners only)if you are the tenant please provide:
* the first two pages of your tenancy agreement (minimum one month remaining on the lease).if your name is not on the tenancy agreement please provide:
* the first two pages of your tenancy agreement (minimum one month remaining on the lease), and
* statement from head tenant verifying that you live at the stated address, and
* a document showing your name and that you are living full time at the address, for example a current utility bill (gas/water/electricity/telephone) or driver’s licence showing your current address.if you don't have a formal tenancy agreement please provide:
* a letter from the property owner verifying that you live at the application address, including the length of your tenancy (minimum one month remaining on the lease), and
* a document showing your name and that you are living full time at the address, for example a current utility bill (gas/water/electricity/telephone) or driver’s licence showing your current address.You may be required to provide additional proof of residency or vehicle details. This could include a Queensland driver’s licence or adult proof of age card.
Supercars NTI Townsville 500
Supercars Regulated Parking
Supercars Event Zone Parking will be regulated:
- in the “Parking Permit Zone Map” (see Event Zone Map below). You can only park within your designated zone if you are approved for a parking permit.
- for the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on all event days.
- by limiting how long a vehicle can be parked on-street to deter event patrons from parking in your street – generally the period will be 2 hours, but in some places a different time limit will apply
- with fines issued to owners of vehicles that are parked for longer than the permitted time without a registered permit.
This restriction will apply to on-street parking only, including driveways from the kerb to your property boundary. It will not apply to vehicles parked within your property.
All other parking restrictions – such as no standing zones, taxi zones, bus zones, and parking zones for people with disabilities – will continue to apply.
Supercars Residential Parking Permits
How will the permits work?
The system Council is using will link Residential Parking Permits to registration plates electronically. This means that the permit is not displayed on the vehicle. Vehicles recorded as having a Residential Parking Permit may be parked on-street in the Supercars Event Zone without having to comply with the event parking time limit.
To ensure there is enough on-street parking during this event, Council is initially limiting the number of Residential Parking Permits issued to two (2) permits for each house or unit in the Supercars Event Parking Area. On street parking without an official parking pass within the Regulated Event Parking Area, will be restricted to two hours between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on all event days. Council will consider applications for Supercars Event Zone Parking Permits on a case by case basis.
- Eligibility
To be eligible for a Supercars Event Residential Parking Permit:
* the applicant must be the registered owner of the vehicle for which the permit is required, the applicant must be living at an address within the Supercars Event Zone Parking Area full-time.
- How to apply
You can apply via our online portal, which offers fast approval and activation of Supercars Event Zone Residential Parking Permits.
Council’s Customer Service Centre and Citylibraries Riverway
Visit Council's Customer Service Centre or Citylibraries Riverway to submit your application form via email if you do not have internet access.
You will need to bring along all supporting documentation and have your application ready to be sent to
SERVE Centre is located at 103 Walker Street, Townsville City. The operating hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Citylibraries Riverway is located at 20 Village Boulevard, Thuringowa Central. The Customer Service point operating hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Telephone call Council's dedicated parking permit contact centre on 1300 322 878 from 9am to 7pm Mondy to Friday. You will be required to email your supporting documents.
- How to apply for a Supercars Event Special Parking Permit
If you live in the Supercars Event Parking Area and need a parking permit for a vehicle that is not registered to you – for example, you have a carer who visits you and will park for longer than 2 hours, or you receive necessary assistance from a health or community organisation – you can apply for a Supercars Event Special Parking Permit.
Special Parking Permits will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. When applying for a Residential Parking Permit, include an explanation about why you need a Special Parking Permit. Council will contact you if further information is required.
- What Supporting Documents are Required?
To apply for a Residential Parking Permit and help ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit copies of the correct supporting documentation with your application.
To confirm your vehicle registration
To confirm vehicle details for a Supercars Event Zone Residential Parking Permit please provide a copy of your current vehicle registration renewal notice or transfer document showing the vehicle is registered in your name.
If the vehicle is not registered in your name:
for a company vehicle please provide:
* a letter on company letterhead to state that it is a company vehicle. Include the vehicle registration details, stating that you use the vehicle and that it is parked at your address.For another person’s vehicle please provide:
* a statutory declaration from that person explaining the relationship that results in you using their vehicle, including a copy of their registration renewal notice or transfer document showing that the vehicle is registered in their name.Residency
To confirm that you live full-time in the Supercars Event Parking Area:
if you are the owner of the house or unit please provide a copy of:
* current rates notice showing your name,
* or contract of sale (new owners only)if you are the tenant please provide:
* the first two pages of your tenancy agreement (minimum one month remaining on the lease).if your name is not on the tenancy agreement please provide:
* the first two pages of your tenancy agreement (minimum one month remaining on the lease), and
* statement from head tenant verifying that you live at the stated address, and
* a document showing your name and that you are living full time at the address, for example a current utility bill (gas/water/electricity/telephone) or driver’s licence showing your current address.if you don't have a formal tenancy agreement please provide:
* a letter from the property owner verifying that you live at the application address, including the length of your tenancy (minimum one month remaining on the lease), and
* a document showing your name and that you are living full time at the address, for example a current utility bill (gas/water/electricity/telephone) or driver’s licence showing your current address.You may be required to provide additional proof of residency or vehicle details. This could include a Queensland driver’s licence or adult proof of age card.
After you complete the online application, you will be informed via email if your Supercars Event Zone Residential Parking Permits have been approved or declined. This approval process is based on the supporting documentation submitted as part of the application.
If you are approved, no further action is required and the registration details for the approved vehicles will be logged within the system.
If you have any questions regarding the approved or non-approval of your Supercars Event Zone Residential Parking Permits you can contact:
Telephone: Call Council’s dedicated parking permit contact centre on 1300 322 878 from 9am-7pm, Monday to Friday.
Supercars Business Parking Permits
How will the permits work?
The system Council is using will link Supercars Event Zone Business Parking Permits to registration plates electronically. This means that the permit is not displayed on the vehicle. Vehicles recorded as having a Business Parking Permit may be parked on-street in the Supercars Event Zone without having to comply with the event parking time limit.
On street parking without an official parking pass within the Regulated Event Parking Area, will be restricted to two hours between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on all event days.
- Eligibility
To be eligible for a Supercars Event Zone Business Parking Permit:
* the business must be located within the Supercars Event Zone as per the map below.
- How to apply
You can apply via our online portal, which offers fast approval and activation of Supercars Event Zone Business Parking Permits.
Council’s Customer Service Centre and Citylibraries Riverway
Visit Council's Customer Service Centre or Citylibraries Riverway to submit your application form via email if you do not have internet access.
You will need to bring along all supporting documentation and have your application ready to be sent to
SERVE Centre is located at 103 Walker Street, Townsville City. The operating hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Citylibraries Riverway is located at 20 Village Boulevard, Thuringowa Central. The Customer Service point operating hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Telephone call Council's dedicated parking permit contact centre on 1300 322 878 from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday. You will be required to email your supporting documents.
- What Supporting Documents are Required?
To confirm vehicle details for a Supercars Event Zone Business Parking Permit please provide a copy of all vehicle registrations that required a pass on a company letter. The letterhead must include the business location.
To confirm your vehicle registration
To confirm vehicle details for a Supercars Event Zone Residential Parking Permit please provide a copy of your current vehicle registration renewal notice or transfer document showing the vehicle is registered in your name.
Please note, parking permits are limited to the use for your business staff only, to ensure they can park near their place of employment during the event. If you encounter any problems with vehicles parking longer than the two-hour restricted limit, please call Townsville City Council on 13 48 10 to request a Regulated Parking Officer to attend.
After you complete the online application, you will be informed via email if your Supercars Event Zone Business Parking Permits have been approved or declined. This approval process is based on the supporting documentation submitted as part of the application.
If you are approved, no further action is required and the registration details for the approved vehicles will be logged within the system.
If you have any questions regarding the approved or non-approval of your Supercars Event Zone Business Parking Permits you can contact:
Telephone: Call Council’s dedicated parking permit contact centre on 1300 322 878 from 9am-7pm, Monday to Friday.
Supercars Event Zone Parking Permit Map
The below map indicates the boundaries of the regulated parking areas. These areas are regulated to stop non-residents and non-business stakeholders from parking on the affected streets. A two-hour limit will apply to any vehicle parked without displaying the relevant parking pass within these areas. Council fines will apply. All regulated areas will be enforced from 5 – 7 July 2024 between 7am and 7pm.