Where Can I Get Assistance

Disasters are upsetting experiences for everyone involved. The emotional toll that disaster brings can sometimes be even more devastating than the financial strains of damage and loss of home, business or personal property.

Recognise that recovery takes time, and it is okay to ask for help.

Following a disaster, a range of welfare and support services will be made available to affected members of the community, which may include the following:

Type of Assistance Key Contacts
Assistance with minor damage repairs and/or clean-up – for members of the community, who have been impacted by the event.
  • For assistance with non-life threatening situations (e.g. help with a damaged roof, rising flood water, or storm damage) - phone the SES on 132 500.
  • For assistance with a life threatening situation, phone 000 (triple zero) immediately.
Crisis counselling – to assist those experiencing issues with disaster-related stress.
Establishment of Recovery Centres – to provide easy access to essential information and a range of support services to help people affected by the event.

This process is managed by the Department of Communities, who will advise the community as these centres are established.

Visit the Queensland Government website for more information.

Financial assistance – You may require assistance in submitting claims through your insurance provider or (if eligible) in applying for a personal hardship assistance payment through the State Government. For more information visit the Queensland Government website.
Queensland DAF Agriculture Natural Disaster Impact Survey – The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries collects this information to inform the process for activation of disaster recovery assistance.Natural Disaster Impact Survey
This survey does not constitute an application for assistance – the purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the extent of the recent natural disaster affecting your area.