Storm Tide Evacuation Maps

Storm Tide Evacuation Guide – Local Government Area Map

If you are not located in a coloured evacuation zone, your suburb will not be shown on the detailed maps below.


The map above provides an overview only. Detailed map information by suburb is available in the list below.

How to Read and Use the Storm Tide Evacuation Maps

  1. Identify your suburb from the list below. If you are not located in a coloured evacuation zone, your suburb will not be shown on the detailed maps below.
  2. Double click the map and use the zoom in tool for further map detail. You should now be able to identify what zone you're in.
  3. If you are in one of the coloured zones, you may be at risk from storm tide flooding during cyclones.
  4. Identify your evacuation route to your pre-determined safer location.
  5. During a cyclone event tune into warnings, authorities will advise which zones need to evacuate.

Storm Tide Evacuation Maps – By Suburb

Two links for each map are listed, and are identical. If you are having issues with the first map listed, try downloading from the second link for your suburb.

Last Updated: 24 January 2024