Hazard Studies
Featured on this page are a range disaster risk management and hazard studies for the Townsville local government area.
All-Hazard Studies
This report is a summary of a longer and more technical Natural Disaster Risk Management Study.
The report details the outcomes of the multi-hazard Disaster Risk Management Study.
Prior to the amalgamation of Townsville and Thuringowa City Councils, Townsville City had undertaken a Natural Disaster Risk Management study of its Local Government Area (LGA). This report was presented to Council in November 2009.
The purpose of this report is to extend the TOWNSVILLE CITY NATURAL DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY STAGE 1 report to include the former Thuringowa City.
Engineering Reports
Council has a range of engineering reports and hazard-specific studies that are available to the public. For more information, view our Engineering Reports page.