The Percivals

The Percivals 2024

Having begun in 2007, The Percivals is an open competition for artists. While showcasing the outstanding and innovative work currently being produced by Australian artists, the competitions have also allowed many emerging artists to engage with portraiture and share their expressions of themselves and those close to them.

The Percival Portrait Painting Prize, Percival Photographic Portrait Prize, and the Percival Animal Portrait Prize will be exhibited at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery from 22 June until 1 September 2024.

Hear from the judges and the winners in this insightful video about The Percivals 2024.

The Percivals 2024 Winners

The Percivals 2024 Finalists

Panel and Judges

Previous Percivals

To view a history of previous years of The Percivals, visit the page below: