Do I Need Approval?
Whether you are seeking information about a development approval, a local business approval, or approval to work on a heritage-listed property, Council has provided information to help.
It's important to find out whether you need planning approval on your property before you begin work.
Find out if you need a building permit before you begin work on your home renovation project.
In Queensland, plumbing work falls under different categories, which will affect whether Council must get involved with your project.
Trade waste is waterborne waste from any commercial or industrial activity that is discharged to the sewer.
Driveways and work in the road reserve (footpath), as well as fairy lights on Council trees will require approval from Council.
If your property is heritage-listed, it is important to find out the key limitations you must take into account before commencing any work.
If you meet Council's criteria to start a home-based business, you do not have to seek approval from Council.
Advertising devices must be regulated by council to ensure the surrounding area is not impacted by their use.
Planning for Townsville’s Future
Ever wondered how a city is shaped? Find out more about our Planning Scheme and how Council is planning for Townsville’s future by viewing our video below.